Academic Degrees
Degree Titles/ Abbreviation
Изберете тази академична титла, която е най-близо до изучаваната от вас специалност или максимано сходна на вашата:
Bachelor of Arts B.A.
Bachelor of Fine Arts B.F.A.
Bachelor of Science B.S.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration B.S.B.A.
Bachelor of Science in Education B.S.Ed.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing B.S.N.
Bachelor of Social Work B.S.W.
Master of Arts M.A.
Master of Arts in Teaching M.A.T.
Master of Business Administration MBA
Master of Combined Sciences M.C.S.
Master of Education M.Ed.
Master of Fine Arts M.F.A.
Master of Health Services Administration M.H.S.A.
Master of Liberal Studies M.L.S.
Master of Music M.Mus.
Master of Science in Medicine M.S.M.
Master of Social Sciences M.S.S.
Master of Science M.S.
Doctor of Education Ed.D.
Doctor of Philosophy PhD
Educational Specialist Ed.S.